About Us
Serial global entrepreneur, Levin has helped businesses and multinational organizations to build their company value with strategic alliances and in-depth due diligence investigation necessary to attract outside investments. Levin founded and built AAIL into a 15-country organization. While working with leading consumer electronics and consumer product manufacturers in Asia such as Procter and Gamble, Nestle, Jacob Suchard, Jaguar, Acer, Winbond, First International Computer, and D-Link, Levin handled cradle to grave product launches and branding/rebranding campaigns. She has built corporate and product sales growth through strategic alliances worldwide.
Talented Executives with Multinational Expertise
Lore Devra Levin, Founder/Chairman.
Allen lived and worked in Asia for over two decades, fulfilling the senior leadership needs of Fortune 100 global companies in the must-win markets of China and others in the Asia Pacific Region. Before returning to the U.S. in 2012 Allen served four years as Partner-In-Charge, Beijing Office for Heidrick & Struggles: a top-three senior retained executive recruiter. There, he developed his passion and expertise for helping organizations become more globally capable and competitive through improved leadership. Representative Clients included: Nestlé (China), Ltd., John Deere, PCC, Armstrong, TRW, Lafarge, among others.
Lawrence L. Allen, Partner Talent Management.